Archive for November, 2012

November 14, 2012

Day 6 of 30 day yoga challenge

by katiering

Today is day 6 of my 30 day yoga challenge.

The morning of day 4 I did a short but challenging yoga video.

This video was a flow similar to many vinyassa classes I’ve taken moving from downward dog into warrior poses and back. It is only about 10 minutes but she offers a lot of optional modifications to make it harder so you could do this video many times and continue to push yourself.

When the video was over I moved to the mat and added some poses including: cat/cow, spinal twists, modified pigeon, bridge, plow sequence and ended with savasana.

And last night I built my own evening yoga with the ‘Pocket Yoga’ app $2.99:

This app was pretty good. I wish the voice didn’t sound so computer generated, but I do like that you can do this anywhere, even without an internet connection, and that you can make your own custom sequences. On the apple website a reviewer mentions that Yoga Builder is also a great yoga app. I’ll have to try it.

Now I just need to find time today to practice yoga…


November 13, 2012

30 yoga challenge

by katiering


“Undisturbed calmness of mind is attained by cultivating friendliness toward the happy, compassion for the unhappy, delight in the virtuous, and indifference toward the wicked.” ~ Yoga Sutras

Hello blog! I haven’t posted here in a while since I’ve been posting on my tea blog, delecteable. I thought what better time to post again then to declare that I will start a 30 day yoga challenge. My goal is both fitness and to clear my mind. By making it public I’ll hold myself accountable. So here goes…

Saturday (day one): I tried a new studio and attended the 10:30AM all levels yoga class at laughing dog yoga in Wellesley. Great class, I highly recommend it!

Sunday: I opted for a de-stressing sun salutation video I found on Pinterest.

Today: I went to 7:30PM candle light yoga at spirit bear yoga in Natick. Great class, but it said no heat bit is low heat, usually around 82 degrees.

Wish me luck as I try to practice yoga for 30 days in a row!